The Blog of Norm

Distracted exercise is dangerous

Distracted exercise is dangerous

Originally published in South Coast Today. We live in a culture that embraces and promotes the idea of multitasking. It may be symptomatic of a capitalistic ethos that preaches time is money or maybe we’re just naturally this manic. We’re overworked, overscheduled,...

Flexibility can be a tender subject

Flexibility can be a tender subject

Originally published in South Coast Today. Long before everyone’s favorite sixth-round draft pick popularized the term muscle pliability, the sports medicine community championed the concept of muscle quality — be it tone, tension, resiliency or any other designation....

Functional Fitness: Time is sometimes on your side

Functional Fitness: Time is sometimes on your side

There are several program variables to consider when writing a workout. We tend to pay attention to the trendy buzzwords like intensity – and the more obvious phrases like choice of exercise – but overlook things such as rest periods. And though there doesn’t seem to...

Get up. Stand up.

Get up. Stand up.

Originally published in South Coast Today. Back in the olden days during my competition years there was always some good-natured ribbing between weightlifters and powerlifters. When trash talking a powerlifter, the go-to gibe was: We lift weights standing up, not...

Take this Nor’easter and Shovel It!

Take this Nor’easter and Shovel It!

Originally published in South Coast Today. Two weeks ago, I was on vacation basking in the sunshine of Key West with my warm weather clothes and sunscreen. While enjoying the beautiful tropical climate, I willfully deceived myself into thinking that our local...

Functional Fitness: Contrast training a true test for athletes

Functional Fitness: Contrast training a true test for athletes

Originally posted in South Coast Today. I tend to enjoy watching sports that don’t get a lot of love. While Peyton Manning is living comfortably off endorsements, Madison Avenue overlooks our finest pole vaulters and Greco-Roman wrestlers. The Olympics have been a...

Functional Fitness: Considerate people burn more calories

Functional Fitness: Considerate people burn more calories

Originally published in South Coast Today. Many will ignore the return rack and leave their shopping cart in harm's way regardless of the proximity of designated dropoff. As a strength coach, people often assume that I will be extra critical of those who struggle with...

Like Fitness Guru Thoreau Always Said, ‘Simplify, Simplify’

Like Fitness Guru Thoreau Always Said, ‘Simplify, Simplify’

Originally published in The Wanderer. At the risk of going back to the well once too often, here’s another installment of why the early physical culturists can show us the way when it comes to working out in times of scarcity. First of all, we should look at why and...

When Your Spotter Favors Social Distancing

When Your Spotter Favors Social Distancing

Originally published in The Wanderer. We’re living in very strange times in which our daily lives have been upended. Most of us want to be safe and compliant without surrendering every last one of our normal and familiar daily rituals. For so many of us exercise is an...

’Tis the season to eat poorly, Yada Yada Ya, Ya Ya Ya Ya

’Tis the season to eat poorly, Yada Yada Ya, Ya Ya Ya Ya

Originally published in South Coast Today. It’s the season of peace on earth, good will toward men, eggnog and fudge. And who amongst us has the discipline to refuse a delicious piece of fruitcake sent through the mail? The empty calories are inescapable, beckoning us...

Even Peter Pan gets shin splints

Even Peter Pan gets shin splints

Originally published in South Coast Today. Through the years I’ve been asked to donate training sessions as a raffle item for various fundraisers. I enjoy chipping in for a good cause, especially when contributing time rather than writing a check. One annual event has...